If you haven't been paying attention to the local MMA scene recently, then you probably haven't heard of Colin Robinson. If there is one piece of advice that I can give you, then it's this; pay attention to this kid. He's got a serious shot to be fighting at the highest level within the next 5 years. He's probably the best kept secret that the region has right now, and a lot of that has to do with the covid pandemic.
Robinson is a former collegiate football player who had a background in Judo and plenty of other sports, and it's very apparent after talking to him for a few minutes that he's always had a passion to succeed in athletics, in one way shape or form. He's succeeded early in his MMA career by going 2-0 under the Valor Fighting Challenge banner, and this is directly due to his individual efforts and seeking out his first fights.
Check out the full interview below with one of New Englands biggest young prospects.